## version $VER: PowerCache.catalog 37.115 (5.4.94) ## codeset 0 ## language dansk MSG_Okay ; Okay; MSG_Cancel Afbryd ; Cancel; MSG_TwoChoice Igen|Afbryd ; Retry|Cancel; MSG_FileCacheError Kan ikke lave cache fil til %s ; Unable to create a file cache for %s; MSG_CacheMemError Kan ikke allokere prim r cache hukommelse for %s ; Unable to allocate primary cache memory for %s; MSG_DeviceOpenError Kan ikke bne '%s', enhed %ld ; Unable to open '%s', unit %ld; MSG_IORequestError Kan ikke oprette IO Request blok til %s ; Could not create IO Request block for %s; MSG_NotFilingDevice '%s' er ikke et gte fil-device ; '%s' is not a proper filing device; MSG_NoTask '%s' har ingen styreproces ; '%s' has no controlling task; MSG_DirtyBuffers ADVARSEL!\n\nDisketten i drev %s er blevet fjernet.\nDer findes uskrevne buffere for dette drev.\n\nDe M ABSOLUT geninds tte disketten, eller st overfor\nmuligheden for s et s massivt tab af data og\nstrukturel korruption at kun en komplet\nre-formattering igen vil g re disketten egnet\ntil brug for AmigaDOS til opbevaring af data. ; WARNING!\n\nThe volume in drive %s has been removed.\nDirty buffers DO exist for this drive.\n\nYou MUST re-insert the volume, or face the\npossibility of such massive data loss and\nstructural corruption that only a complete\nre-formatting will again make it usable for\nto AmigaDOS for data storage.; MSG_ChipMem ; CHIP; MSG_FastMem ; FAST; MSG_AnyMem ; Any; MSG_24BitDMA 24BitDMA ;24BitDMA MSG_AlgorithmLRU ; LRU; MSG_AlgorithmRND ; RND; MSG_TypeMemory Hukommel. ; Memory; MSG_TypeFile ; File; MSG_AutoConfigSmall Lille ; Small; MSG_AutoConfigMedium Mellem ; Medium; MSG_AutoConfigLarge ; Large; MSG_ModeRO ; R/O; MSG_ModeRW ; R/W; MSG_Sets ; Sets; MSG_Lines Linier ; Lines; MSG_Prefetch s-frem ; Prefetch; MSG_MainCache Hovedcache: ; Main Cache:; MSG_Overhead Omkostninger: ; Overhead:; MSG_Total Total: ; Total:; MSG_MemoryType Hukom. type ; Memory Type; MSG_Filename Filnavn ; Filename; MSG_Algorithm Algoritme ; Algorithm; MSG_PurgeTimeout Rydde Timeout ; Purge Timeout; MSG_Type ; Type; MSG_Purge Rydde ; Purge; MSG_AutoConfigure Auto-konfigurer: ; Auto Configure:; MSG_FreeAfterPurge Fri efter Rydning ; Free after Purge; MSG_Mode Modus ; Mode; MSG_OrganizeAs Organiser Som... ; Organize As...; MSG_SelectFile lg venlist en fil ; Please select a file; MSG_LoopDetected kke fundet\n\nDe cacher to drev ovenp hinanden! ; Loop detected\n\nYou are caching two devices on top of eachother!; MSG_WindowTitle Cache Pr ferencer for %s ; Cache Preferences for %s; MSG_BrokerName PowerCache ; PowerCache; MSG_BrokerTitle PowerCache 37.115 ; PowerCache 37.115; MSG_BrokerDescription Amiga Disk Caching System ; Amiga Disk Caching System; MSG_CopyrightMsg Copyright (C) 1993-1994, Michael Berg ; Copyright (C) 1993-1994, Michael Berg; MSG_AllRightsReserved All Rights Reserved ; All Rights Reserved; MSG_CommodityError En fejl opstod under initialiseringen\naf commodities broker systemet ; An error occurred while initializing\nthe commodities broker system; MSG_NoCommodityBroker Kan ikke oprette en commodity.library broker ; Can't get a commodities.library broker; MSG_NoCommodityMsgPort Kan ikke oprette en Message Port\ntil brug for commodities.library ; Unable to create a message port\nfor use with commodities.library; MSG_DevListFmtStr %s (%s, enhed %ld) ; %s (%s, unit %ld); MSG_CantInitHelp Kan ikke ops tte AmigaGuide online hj lpesystem\n(Ingen context-sensitiv hyperhj lp mulig) ; Unable to set up AmigaGuide online help system\n(No context-sensitive hyperhelp available); MSG_GuideErr1 Ikke nok hukommelse ; Not enough memory; MSG_GuideErr2 Kan ikke bne database ; Cannot open database; MSG_GuideErr3 Kan ikke finde afsnit ; Cannot locate node; MSG_GuideErr4 Kan ikke bne afsnit ; Cannot open node; MSG_GuideErr5 Kan ikke bne vindue ; Cannot open window; MSG_GuideErr6 Invalid kommando ; Invalid command; MSG_GuideErr7 Kan ikke f rdigg ; Cannot complete; MSG_GuideErr8 Port lukket ; Port closed; MSG_GuideErr9 Kan ikke oprette Message Port ; Cannot create message port; MSG_GuideError AmigaGuide fejlbesked:\n%s ; AmigaGuide error message:\n%s; MSG_NoHelpForMenuItem Ingen hj lp mulig for dette menupunkt ; No help available for this menu item; MSG_NoHelpAvailable lpefacilitet er ikke tilg ngelig ; Help facility is unavailable; MSG_AmigaGuideUnavailable AmigaGuide.library V34+ er ikke tilg ngelig\nContext sensitiv hyperhj lp vil\nikke v re mulig -- beklager! ; AmigaGuide is not available\nContext sensitive hyperhelp will\nnot be available -- Sorry!; MSG_NeedIcon Du mangler icon.library v37+ i LIBS: ; You need icon.library v37+ in LIBS:; MSG_NeedCxLib Du mangler commodities.library v37+ i LIBS: ; You need commodities.library v37+ in LIBS:; MSG_NeedGadTools Du mangler gadtools.library v37+ i LIBS: ; You need gadtools.library v37+ in LIBS:; MSG_NeedUtility Du mangler utility.library v37+ i LIBS: ; You need utility.library v37+ in LIBS:; MSG_NeedReqTools Du mangler reqtools.library v38+ i LIBS: ; You need reqtools.library v38+ in LIBS:; MSG_NoSystemFont Kan ikke f adgang til systemets standardfont ; Could not access system default font; MSG_CacheMsgPortError Kan ikke oprette en Message Port\ntil brug ved cache buffer kommunikation ; Unable to create a message port\nfor cache buffer communication; MSG_IntuitionMsgPortError Kan ikke oprette en Message Port\ntil brug for Intuition vinduer ; Unable to create a message port\nfor use with Intuition windows; MSG_BumperTaskError Kan ikke starte statistik vindue-opdaterings process ; Unable to spawn statistics window refresh task; MSG_InfoLogicalDrive Logisk Drev ; Logical Drive; MSG_InfoDevice Device ; Device; MSG_InfoUnit Enhed ; Unit; MSG_InfoTaskTCB Proces TCB ; Task TCB; MSG_InfoSectorSize Sektor st rrelse ; Sector Size; MSG_InfoSurfaces Overflader ; Surfaces; MSG_InfoBlocksPerTrack Blokke pr. Spor ; Blocks per Track; MSG_InfoCapacity Kapacitet ; Capacity; MSG_InfoReservedBlocks1 Reserverede DOS blokke (start) ; Reserved DOS Blocks (start); MSG_InfoReservedBlocks2 Reserverede DOS blokke (slut) ; Reserved DOS Blocks (end); MSG_InfoInterleave Interleave ; Interleave; MSG_InfoLowCyl Laveste Cylinder ; Low Cylinder; MSG_InfoHighCyl jeste Cylinder ; High Cylinder; MSG_InfoInitialBuffers Initiale DOS buffere ; Initial DOS Buffers; MSG_InfoBufMemType Buffer hukommelsestype ; Buffer Memory Type; MSG_InfoMaxTransfer Maksimal Overf rsel pr. IO Request ; Max Transfer per IO Request; MSG_InfoMask Adressemaske ; Address Mask; MSG_InfoBootPri Boot prioritet ; Boot Priority; MSG_InfoDOSType DOS Filsystem Type: ; DOS Filesystem Type; MSG_InfoBootBlocks Boot Blokke ; Boot blocks; MSG_InfoFmtStr1 0x%08lx (Ikke startet) ; 0x%08lx (Not loaded); MSG_InfoFmtStr2 %ld blokke ; %ld blocks; MSG_InfoWindowTitle Device Information for %s ; Device Information for %s; MSG_BadHotKey '%s'\ner tilsyneladende ikke en gyldig hotkey.\nRetter tilbage til '%s' ; '%s'\ndoesn't seem to be a valid hotkey.\nResetting to '%s'; MSG_CacheableDevices Cachebare Enheder ; Cacheable Devices; MSG_Install Installer.. ; Install; MSG_Remove Fjern ; Remove; MSG_Save ; Save; MSG_Use Benyt ; Use; MSG_Rescan Opdater ; Rescan; MSG_Info Info... ; Info; MSG_CurrentlyCached Cachet Nu ; Currently Cached; MSG_Edit Ret... ; Edit; MSG_Stats Statistik.. ; Stats; MSG_PopupWindow Vis Vindue ; Popup Window; MSG_EnableCaches Aktiver Caches ; Enable Cacher; MSG_DisableCaches Afbryd Caches ; Disable Caches; MSG_Beep ; Beep; MSG_Project Projekt ; Project; MSG_Open ben... ; Open...; MSG_OpenShortcut MSG_SaveAs Gem Som... ; Save As...; MSG_SaveAsShortcut MSG_About Om... ; About; MSG_AboutShortcut MSG_Hide Gem Vindue ; Hide; MSG_HideShortcut MSG_Quit Afslut ; Quit; MSG_QuitShortcut MSG_MenuEdit Ret... ; Edit; MSG_ResetToDefaults t til Opstartsv rdier ; Reset to Defaults; MSG_ResetToDefaultsShortcut MSG_LastSaved Sidst Gemte ; Last Saved; MSG_LastSavedShortcut MSG_Restore ; Restore; MSG_RestoreShortcut MSG_Options Muligheder ; Options; MSG_CreateIcons Lav Ikoner? ; Create Icons?; MSG_CreateIconsShortcut MSG_MainWindowTitle PowerCache Pr ferencer ; PowerCache Preferences; MSG_ErrorAddMainWindow Kan ikke inds tte hovedvindue i\nlisten over aktive vinduer ; Could not add main window to\nlist of active windows; MSG_ErrorOpenMainWindow Kan ikke bne hovedvinduet ; Could not open main preferences window; MSG_ErrorCreateMainMenus Kunneikke oprette menuer til hovedvinduet ; Could not create menus for main preferences window; MSG_ErrorCreateMainGadgets Kunne ikke oprette gadgets til hovedvinduet ; Could not create gadgets for main preferences window; MSG_ErrorGetFileGadget Kunne ikke oprette Intuition BOOPSI \"GetFile\" gadget klasse ; Failed to create intuition BOOPSI \"GetFile\" gadget class; MSG_ErrorNoVisual Ingen visuel info tilg ngelig for standard offentlig sk ; No visual info available for default public screen; MSG_ErrorCantFindPubScreen Kan ikke finde en offentlig sk ; Can't find a public screen; MSG_Unknown Ukendt ; Unknown; MSG_OldFileSystem Old Fil-System ; Old File-System; MSG_FastFileSystem Fast Fil-System ; Fast File-System; MSG_MSDOSFileSystem MS-DOS Fil-System ; MS-DOS File-System; MSG_WordAlign Word justering ; Word alignment; MSG_AllMemory Al hukommelse ; All memory; MSG_LongwordAlign Longword justering ; Longword alignment; MSG_Special Speciel ; Special; MSG_ErrorPrefsMemory Ikke nok hukommelse til at l se cache pr ferencer ; Out of memory reading cache preferences; MSG_ErrorCantReadPrefs Kan ikke l se pr ferencer!\n(L sefejl) ; Can't read preferences!\n(Read error); MSG_ErrorReadingPrefsMangled Kan ikke l se pr ferencer!\n(Filen er korrupt) ; Can't read preferences!\n(File is mangled); MSG_ErrorPrefsMangled ferencefilen er korrupt\nVil benytte sidst gemte/standardv rdier ; Preferences file is mangled\nWill use last saved/defaults; MSG_ErrorGeneralPrefsFile Kan ikke l se pr ferencefilen\Benytter sidst gemte/standardv rdier ; Unable to read preferences file\nUsing last saved/defaults; MSG_ErrorUnknownIconType Ukendt pr ference aktionsn gleord\n(Check ikonets tooltypes!) ; Unknown prefs action keyword\n(Check icon's tooltypes!); MSG_ErrorOpeningPrefs Kan ikke l se pr ferencer\n(Kunne ikke bne filen) ; Can't read preferences\n(Could not open file); MSG_ErrorSavingProjectIcon Kan ikke gemme projekt ikon\n(Skrivefejl) ; Unable to save project icon\n(Write error); MSG_ErrorOpeningProjectIcon Kan ikke bne projekt ikon-fil\n(Fejl under bningen) ; Unable to open project icon file\n(Open failure); MSG_ErrorWritingPrefs Kan ikke skrive pr ferencer!\n(Skrivefejl) ; Can't write preferences!\n(Write error); MSG_ErrorOpeningPrefsWrite Kan ikke skrive pr ferencer!\n(Kunne ikke bne filen) ; Can't write preferences!\n(Could not open file); MSG_MessageFromPowerCache Besked fra PowerCache ; Message from PowerCache; MSG_UsedPct Brugt % ; Used %; MSG_EfficiencyPct Effektivitet % ; Efficiency %; MSG_UpdateFreq Opdat. Frekvens ; Update Frequency; MSG_Done ; Done; MSG_Clear ; Clear; MSG_StatWindowTitle Cache Statistik for %s ; Cache Statistics for %s; MSG_ErrorAddStatWindow Kan ikke inds tte statistik vindue i\nliste med aktive vinduer ; Unable to add stat window to\nlist of active windows; MSG_ErrorCantOpenStatWindow Kan ikke bne statistik vindue ; Unable to open stat window; MSG_ErrorCantCreateStatGadgets Kan ikke opertte gadgets til statistik vindue ; Unable to create gadgets for stat window; MSG_ErrorNoStatVisualInfo Kan ikke finde visuel info til statistik vindue ; Unable to find visual info for stat window; MSG_ErrorAllocatingStatInfo Kan ikke allokere hukommelse til statistik info ; Unable to allocate memory for stat info; MSG_ShowWindow Vis Vindue ; Show Window; MSG_CantOpenARexx Kan ikke initialisere ARexx v rts-interface ; Unable to initialize ARexx host interface; MSG_HostClosingDown ARexx v rt lukker ned ; ARexx host closing down; MSG_CommandDisabled Kommando deaktiveret ; Command disabled; MSG_CantSetARexxVariable Kan ikke s tte ARexx variabel ; Unable to set ARexx variable; MSG_NeedRexxSysLib Du mangler rexxsyslib.library V35+ i LIBS: ; You need rexxsyslib.library V35+ in LIBS:; MSG_UnknownAlgorithm Ukendt cache algoritme ; Unknown cache algorithm; MSG_UnknownBufferMode Ukendt cache buffer modus ; Unknown cache buffering mode; MSG_UnknownCacheMode Ukendt cache modus ; Unknown cache mode (//); MSG_CacheAlreadyInstalled Cache er allerede installeret ; Cache is already installed; MSG_Uncacheable Ikke-cachebart drev ; Uncacheable device; MSG_NoCacheInstalled Ingen cache er installeret ; No cache is installed; MSG_DeviceNotFound Drev ikke fundet ; Device not found; MSG_EditWinIsOpen Cache edit vindue er ; Cache edit window is open; MSG_BadHotkey Forkert hotkey ; Bad hotkey; MSG_NoStatShowing Statistik vindue er ikke ; No statistics window is showing; MSG_NoCacheRequest Kan ikke allokere cache IO request ; Unable to allocate cache IO request; MSG_NoCacheTimer Kan ikke initialisere cache timer ; Unable to initialize cache timer; MSG_CantAddDev Ikke nok hukommelse til at inds tte device i cache liste ; Out of memory adding device to cache list; MSG_UnreadableFileSystem Alien Fil-System ; Alien Fil-System; MSG_IntlFileSystem Internationalt Fil-Systen ; International File-System; MSG_IntlFastFileSystem Internationalt Fast Fil-System ; International Fast File-System; MSG_CacheFileSystem DirCache Fil-System ; DirCache File-System; MSG_CacheFastFileSystem DirCache Fast Fil-System ; DirCache Fast File-System; MSG_NotReallyDos Ikke en DOS Disk ; Not a DOS Disk; MSG_KickstartDisk Kickstart Disk ; Kickstart Disk; MSG_CantInhibitDevice '%s' er i jeblikket i brug\n(Kan ikke reservere drevet) '%s' is currently in use\n(Can't inhibit device); MSG_LocaleBy Dansk overs ttelse af Michael Berg ; English translation by Michael Berg; MSG_IsDirectory lg venligst en FIL\n('%s' er et katalog) ; Please select a FILE\n('%s' is a directory) MSG_Unregistered Uregistreret Evalueringsversion ; Unregistered Evaluation Version MSG_BadMemType Der er ingen FAST hukommelse til r dighed\nV lg venligst enten CHIP eller ANY hukommelsestype ; No FAST memory is available\nPlease select either CHIP or ANY memory type MSG_RegisteredTo Registreret til ; Registered to MSG_Registered Registreret Version ; Registered Version MSG_Active Aktiv: ; Active: MSG_ShowStatWin Vis Statistik-vindue: ; Show Statistics Window: MSG_BadShowStatHotkey '%s' er ikke en gyldig hotkey\nIngen hotkey defineret for denne cache ; '%s' is not a valid hotkey\nNo hotkey defined for this cache MSG_WrongLocaleVersion ; Warning: You need at least version 37.104 of\n\PowerCache.catalog for proper localization.\n\Going to use built-in English strings. MSG_DupeStatHotkey '%s' er allerede\ndefineret for %s ; '%s' has already\nbeen defined for %s